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I'm a Wizard (Wiz) x-Strategy trader & provider of More business (More.Biz) for organizations. By using vanity Phone Numbers (vanity phone numbers - Bing), that spell their domain name, and the theme of their business like my (949)6673.249 phone number that spells this website + domain names WizMore.Biz (HOME | Wizmore Biz Business Advice).


I also provide free Volunteer Tutor (Vol) services to the WWW communities about Fully Automated x-STRATEGY​ Securities trading, training, & planning, chart c# & VBA (Visual BASIC [Beginning All-Purpose Symbolic Interactive Code] for Applications) programming (Currencies, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Indexes, Futures, Equities, etc.) & Excel price forecasting models (MA=Moving Averages, Linear, Log, Exponential, & Power Display Equation & R-Squared)


Our vision of x-Strategy Consulting is that organizations will define their strategy and then carry it out. Too frequently, such x-strategy fails to lead the decision makers, who forget about a strategy and make poor decisions, off the cuff, that they will later regret. So stick to the strategy, and revise it frequently, to make sure that it remains relevant

  • Strategy & Organization

  • Corporate Development

  • Globalization

  • ​Operations Management

  • ​Corporate Finance

  • ​IT Management

  • ​Sustainability

  • ​Strategic Planning

  • ​Branding

  • ​Media Training

  • Business Coaching

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